Our History

St.Timothy Divinity College

In the year 2007, St. Stephen’s Church Waithaka experienced a kind of exodus when a group of members started to settle down in their homes built far away from Dagoretti, some in Ruai and others in Ruiru. Read More...

Our Mission

To equip and empower learners with relevant knowledge and skills through training and mentorship.

Graduated Students
Current Students

Rt.Rev. Canon Charles M. Muturi

The 6th Mt. Kenya South

St. Timothy College is a noble initiative for us and our future generations. It was an idea that was brought to us by God Himself through friends and Parishioners of ACK St. Stephen’s Waithaka. The friends formed an Organization named “The Fish” with the Church in mind not only for the Anglican Church but the entire body of Christ with membership drawn from different denominations.To assist Church development and work for God, they embarked on earmarking the venue where the future University would be built and they settled for Kagira.......

Rev. Dr. Patrick Gathagu Waiiri


The first thing is to make sure that the sailor has all the tools and equipment, knowledge and skill to secure the boat with an anchor that digs into the seabed. The larger cruise ships require a larger anchor to hold it to safety.

Rev. Sarah Muturi


In Chaplaincy we obey the command "go ye prech the Good News of deliverance and healing to all Nations Mathew 28:16-20; Luke 4:18.

Rev'd Jesse Mutugi


St Timothy Anglican Divinity College was solely to make saws of the ministry sharpened.The mission is to equip God's people academically in order to holistically transform society.The college salutes the ACK Diocese of Mount Kenya South for encouraging all evangelists within Diocese to enroll and be equipped for sacred ,ministry

Rev'd Benerad Kairu Maina


Pour Out my Spirit on All’-Joel2:29-Is the epicenter. The Spirit is poured upon everyone in- discriminatively and instantaneously the lives of recipients change. The ‘prophesy’, ‘dream’, and ‘vision’ are immediate signs of spiritual outpouring

Faith W. Macharia


Hilda Wakaya

Assistant Accounts

Catherine N. Hiuhu


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